Thursday, October 30, 2008

Electronic Behavior Control System

Emergency Broadcast Network
Electronic Behavior Control System
A cut of remixed clips from tvs' earlier years. This track is taken from their album Telecommunication Breakdown.

found on

Note: All accounts and comments have been deleted to clear out the massive spam. I was hit with about 10 spams a second, and also I had users signing up to post it by hand. So no new comments or signups till I upgrade the site. Thank you for commenting in the past and please know that I did read them!

Monday, October 27, 2008

Download Endless Dub Music

It's Coming Out of Your Speaker

 88Blog Wp-Content Uploads 2007 05 Icooys2
So, If your need pirated dub mp3s...check it out.

Artist Spotlight: S.T.

S.T. is a electronic solo act since 2003 with classical music training. He has done scoring for professional film. Please check out his music, its very good and has been undeleted in my iTunes playlist for quite awhile now.

S.T. One-Man Electronic Music Unit


Link Here

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Dave Smith: Mopho - The $399 Analog Synthesizer

 Images Mopho Page

Overview here at Analog Industries
Got my Mopho today (thanks, Shawn!!!) All I've done to this point is plug it up and take a step through roughly half the presets, but I have to say that aside from a couple UI quirks, this is an excellent box, and a really good value for your synth dollar.
Dave Smith Mopho on their Main Site

Affordable, fully programmable mono synth with a 100% analog signal path.
Well it sounds pretty cool! The filter is awesome, and the bass is warbly. Price is good for a new instrument. But the name is retarded. Mopho...Mofo....Mother Fucker? I would actually scrape the paint off mine and write Mother Fucker acrossed it. Then I couldn't show it around kids. How are you supposed to ask for it for christmas? "Mom buy me a Mopho!!" ....

Dave Smith will be releasing the Cokmasta Keyboard to go with the Mopho very soon.
Audio Demos Here

Wednesday, October 15, 2008