Saturday, January 30, 2016

New Synth Toys For 2016

Roland System 500 Complete set. I think this might be somewhat collectible or useable for a long time into the future. I do like the digital 1m module too however & their other eurorack modules look nice. As a toy collector I'd pick up all of these. The JD and mini modules I do not like for different reasons. They are cheap / small looking.

Yamaha's new Montage looks quite good. They added their FM engine back in.

The Matrix Brute....I think it might not sound that great, or something is funny. So many controls and its so cheap! What would I really do with it? I don't know. I'd need more audio demos to make a decision.

I like the Korg Minilogue. I think the sound does not seem too complex yet. However it looks like a nice build for a great price that blows out Arturia.

Where was Akai? Waldorf is kinda meh too. Neither company has a flagship.

So it is 2016?
What is the ultimate synthesizer? What should you really buy to make music?

1. Jupiter-80 (find me a more powerful synthesizer with effects & layering! you can't!)
2. Korg Kronos
3. Korg Odyssey
4. Yamaha Montage
5. Dave Smith Prophet 12 or Pro 2

What else would you need to make music? Maybe just sound banks on your computer, or a drum machine. This would be my recs for buying something new off the shelf. Happy 2016. Push the envelope of technology and make new music for me. Do not settle for retro music or nostalgia.